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Research data management

Research data management

Research data include all (digital) data that is a subject, work step or outcome of research processes.

Typical examples of research data include measurement values, lab results, audio-visual recordings and information, texts, survey data, objects from collections, methodological test procedures or simulations, source code and protocols. This data diversity reflects the variety and methodological development of the academic/scientific disciplines and research procedures.

Research data management involves planning, collecting, processing, documenting, providing and storing data. The aim of managing research data is to ensure the access, reuse, reproducibility and quality assurance of all research data on which scientific findings are based.

For more information or a consultation appointment, simply write to our contact address!

RDM Services

The Research Data Management Team at HHU can support you with the following services:

Responsible for the content: FDM der HHU : Contact by e-mail